Как открыть авто если потерял ключи?

How to recover a simple key

A key without a chip can be easily machined in a metal repair shop on the second copy — no one will even ask for documents for a car. If you lose a single key, a copy can be made using the door lock or ignition — in a specialized company. There you will be offered three options. CAR LOCKSMITH NORWICH — best service!

The first is cheaper, but more difficult. It is necessary to dismantle the lock and take it to the workshop. There, the lock will be dismantled, a measure will be taken according to its elements (pins), and then a duplicate will be machined. The second way is more expensive — you can call a specialist directly to the car. That master device “counts” the pins without dismantling the lock and will make a key on the spot. Beforehand, of course, the master must make sure according to the documents that you are the owner of the car. The third option is the easiest: cut the key in the workshop according to the code on the tag that some automakers give out when buying a car. With the help of special software, this code can be decrypted and a key can be made that will fit your car.

If the key seems to have been stolen

If you suspect that the key to your car was not just lost, but was intentionally stolen, then be sure to file a report with the police. In the event of a car theft, confirmation of contacting the police will greatly simplify communication with the insurance company. CASCO payments in case of theft are often denied — in the event that you do not provide a complete set of keys to the insurance company. This is considered negligent performance of the policyholder's duties, and can also be regarded as a reason for accusation of fraud.

So, very briefly

  1. Before opening the car, try to find the key. And it is better to hang a GPS tracker on it in advance.
  2. Before opening, find out how your car's alarm is deactivated: where the secret button is located, how the code is entered.
  3. A simple key can be restored in a special service — by locking the door or ignition, even without removing it from the car. Or by a special code from the automaker, if any.
  4. A modern key with a chip will have to be ordered from an official dealer of the brand.
  5. If you suspect that the key has been stolen, you must report it to the police — this will simplify communication with the insurance company if something happens to the car.
  6. If the key has been stolen, it is better to completely reprogram the immobilizer so that thieves cannot open the car.

How to secure your car for the future

If there is a suspicion that your key was lost for a reason, or you are just worried that someone will use the found key for criminal purposes, do not limit yourself to ordering a duplicate. At a dealership or a specialized company, you can use the immobilizer reprogramming service. To do this, the car must be delivered to the dealer or to the selected service center, where specialists will completely reflash the regular “brains” of the security system and program new chip keys. And most importantly, information about previous keys will be completely erased from the device’s memory. A similar procedure should be carried out with an additionally installed anti-theft system.